It looks prettier when you look at it in full screen.^0^
I asked you to do bbooing bbooing, and I like Kiyomi and Bolbboong too. Are you pretty trying to listen to every single one of the fans ♡ㅠ_ㅠ♡
I fell in love with you again at the fan signing event. ^-^ㅎ! Getting full while drinking water, asking if you ate and trying to take care of all the fans is really...
It's raining for Sunis. Is it raining? Huh? Huh? I don't know. I just love heart^__________________________________ ♡ It's so lovely to do it.[Crying]Pew[Crying]
I really like it when Gong Chan-sik smiles brightly. I like it the most.ㅠ_ㅠ... There's nothing bad about it. It's all good.[Crying]♡
My dad is the best. Baby daddy. He's the best in the world. d^▽^b!!
It's lovely, so I edit and check it, but my heart is so excited...!♥
And thank you so much at the fan signing! I was so surprised. I'm so touched. Gongchan is the best! Ddarung ddarung♥'-'♥